This supreme god will do anything for what he covets most fiercely: omnipotence. Once, when the Earth was still lingering in its original state, free from any domination, he sacrificed one of his eyes to drink from the well of wisdom at the foot of the Yggdrasil, the sacred ash tree in Norse cosmology. He then broke a branch from the tree, made it into a spear and carved into it in runic script the laws by which he would rule over the gods, dwarves, giants and human beings. Wotan wants to consolidate his power by building a new castle of the gods, for which he has put the giant brothers
Fasolt and
Fafner to work. On Loge’s advice, he has promised them his sister-in-law
Freia as payment, a frivolous promise he thinks he can get out of. When his wife makes it clear to him that, of all the gods, he especially cannot break the law, he must work with
the demigod of fire to find an alternative compensation … Wotan’s character is based on the Nordic supreme god Odin and his Germanic counterpart Wodan.