From Friday 21 February, 10 pm, a strike by the NMBS/SNCB is likely to disrupt public transport from and to Brussels. Please take this into account if you are attending the Oper! Awards gala.

La Monnaie / De Munt LA MONNAIE / DE MUNT

Our Volunteers

La Monnaie is most grateful to its volunteers and wishes to thank them all for their loyalty and support.

Anne Bourdon, Liliane & Erwin Burvenich-Berthol, Andrée Buyl, Jeanine Danloy, Luc De Backer, Yves De Ceuster Saussez, Dirk Dewinter, Jef Dewit, Danielle Caenen, Lydia Chalkevitch, Gemma Cogen, Marie-Paule Delbecq, Anne Kaulen, Lydie Lambert, Ellis Lambert, Marc Lantrebecq, Christina Lauwers, Willy Meysmans, Anne Mortier, Willem Naert, Marie-Claire Nduwimana, Jean-Pierre Nerincx, Marc Peters, Suzi Preszow, Annie Santucci, Jacques Sennesael, Nadine Vanbavinckhove, Jean Vanden Broeck, Caroline Verbinnen, Monique Waegemans