The social programme ‘A bridge between two worlds’ is addressed to those who are burdened socially, economically or medically. Its aim is to (re)create social ties and to provide everyone with access to culture, music and opera. Activities adapted to the sociocultural contexts of the target groups are organised throughout the season.
More than 90% of ‘A bridge between two worlds' recources are provided by external funds, both public and private. Its activities are free. ‘A bridge between two worlds’ does not ask its members or audience for financial contributions. Without the help and generous support of public and private partners, this social programme would not be able to pursue its activities.
On November 9, 2023, the decades-long work of our social programme was honoured with an International Opera Award in the Equal Opportunities & Impact category.
IBAN : BE86 0910 1214 6550
We kindly ask you to mention in the description that the deposit is a donation in favor of our social programme ‘A bridge between two worlds’.
M. et Mme Xavier Bedoret, M. et Mme Michel Peterbroeck, Mme Christa Schleussner, Dhr. en Mevr. Leo en Diana Van Tuyckom-Taets, M. Philémon Wachtelaer, Dhr. Hans Vossen, Dhr. Robert Zürcher & MM Opera Lovers.