‘In reality, this Lohengrin is an entirely new phenomenon for the modern consciousness!’ Richard Wagner himself understood the innovative character of his sixth piece of music theatre, completed in 1848, the year of revolutions. Although it is reckoned among his ‘romantic operas’, his new vision of musical drama is already clearly heralded in this work.
One day before the premiere of the opera Lohengrin we have invited stage director Olivier Py, the French philosopher Alain Badiou and Peter De Graeve, philosopher & writer, to discuss Romanticism, art, Wagner and, of course, Lohengrin, the tragedy that continues to fascinate. The discussion is led by Laurent de Sutter.
In french, with simultaneous translation to dutch
• € 8
• free for Lohengrin ticket holders (only available at MM Tickets)
In collaboration with PASSA PORTA