On 4 October 1968, the US musical Man of La Mancha opened at La Monnaie, as translated into French by Jacques Brel. The world-famous Belgian singer died ten years later, on 9 October 1978. Now the KVS and La Monnaie are joining forces to stage a new production of L’Homme de la Mancha as a tribute to Brel and perhaps also as a symbol of ‘le temps où Bruxelles brusselait’, but with our gaze firmly fixed on the city of today and tomorrow. Michael De Cock, the Artistic Director of the KVS, directs this emblematic musical, in which Cervantes, with the manuscript of his novel Don Quixote under his arm, ends up in an Inquisition prison and performs the story of the Don for his fellow prisoners. ‘To dream the impossible dream… to follow that star…’
This production is presented as part of Troika.